The Tiree and Coll Genealogy Mailing List is a free mailing list available to everyone interested in the genealogy and history of the Isle of Coll and its near neighbour the Isle of Tiree. It is where descendants of Collachs and Tirisdeach connect with one another. To register as a subscriber go to and click on Apply For Membership In This Group at the bottom of the page. As a subscriber you can seek help with your family research, help others with their research, ask questions, participate in discussions, or be a silent member.

Isle of Coll Genealogy
in association with Tiree Genealogy & Mull Genealogy

administered by Flo Straker
contact: email

With special thanks to: Alison McFadyen, Andrew Campbell, An Iodhlann, Andy & Flo Straker, Anne Maye, Argyll & Bute Council, Barbara Hall, Betty MacDougall, Bill Clarke, Brenda Dougall Merriman, Brian Wills-Johnson, Catriona McLeod, Chris McKinnon, Colin Garvie, Darryl Stout, Deborah Robertson, Diana Ogg, Esther MacRae, Eugene Quigley, Fionnadh, Flora MacDonald, Gene Lamont, Glenda McPhadden Franklin, Gordon Scott, Hilda Downey, Iain Campbell, Ian Phillips, Ian Scott, Jackie Davenport, Jean Little, Jenny Hicks, Joe Moore, John Livingstone, John MacFadyen, John Temple, Keith Dash, Linda Brackenbury, Linda Temple, Louise MacDougall, Marina Campbell, Melda Brunette, National Archives of Scotland, ScotlandsPeople, Terry Hicks, Terry Sheppard, Valerie Bowden & Wayne Cameron.

About Copyright: Everything on this website is provided by volunteer contributors and is made available freely in the interests of genealogical research. It is all protected by copyright, so any content, including webpages, articles, spreadsheets, lists and photos must not be copied and reproduced in other publications without the consent of the author(s) and the website administrator. Copying for personal research or study is permitted. If you use information from the website in your own writings we ask that you acknowledge the author(s) and source.

About this website: Isle of Coll Genealogy was set up by Keith Dash in 2008 as a 'twin' website to Isle of Tiree Genealogy. Both websites are powered by their contributors who give their time and expertise freely. The websites are privately funded and there are no fees or charges to access the material on them. Contributions to existing categories and ideas for new categories are always welcome.

Coll History Coll in Crisis - Emigration in the 1800s, by Brian wills-Johnson, describes the circumstances leading to the emigration of many Collachs from their homeland. Recommended reading.
Baptisms & Marriages Indexes of Coll baptisms 1776-1855 (with later entries also recording date of birth) and
Coll marriages 1776-1855.
Coll Censuses Transcripts of the 1776 List of Inhabitants of Coll and the 1841-1921 Coll censuses.
Research Interests Lists of surname and family research interests of people of Coll ancestry, with contact addresses.
Genealogical Records Detailed records of ancestors and descendants of Coll and Tiree families from early times to their expansion in Coll and Tiree and then in North America after the mass emigrations of the 1800s. The records include the McPhadens of Coll and Tiree and the Macleans of Tiree.
Emigrant Ships Passenger lists of emigrants from Coll or Tiree to Canada or Australia in the 1800s.
Emigrant Stories Life stories of individual or family emigrants from Coll in their new homelands.
Statistics of Coll & Tiree A series of articles about the economy, population, land types, farm practices and estate management of Coll and Tiree in the 1700s and 1800s.
Church History Short histories of the Church of Scotland and other Christian churches in Coll and Tiree.
Argyll & Bute Archives Lists and transcripts of family history documents held in Argyll & Bute Council Archives.
Coll Map A present-day map of Coll showing the locations of settlements and geographical features.
Coll Photos Visitors' photos of the Isle of Coll. Contributions (in JPG format) are always welcome.
Historic Journals The people and customs of Coll as seen by Martin Martin in the 1690s and by Samuel Johnson and James Bothwell in 1773.
Old Word Meanings Unusual words that might be encountered in Old Parish Registers or other old documents.
Alternative Forenames Scots forenames that may be recorded differently in overseas records, e.g. Sarah for Marion.
Old Newspapers Articles about Coll or Collachs in newspapers of the 1700s and 1800s.
Obituaries & Personals Obituaries or personal notices about natives of Coll published in British or overseas newspapers.
The Coll Magazine Articles of interest to historians and genealogists published in The Coll Magazine 1983-1996
Links Websites giving interesting and useful information about Coll, nearby islands or mainland Argyll.
Tiree Genealogy Coll's 'twin' website, Isle of Tiree Genealogy.

About the Isle of Coll

Clabhach, Isle of Coll
(photo by John MacFadyen, 2009)

The Isle of Coll, situated north-east of Tiree and separated from it by the narrow Gunna Sound, is similar in size to Tiree but it is much more rugged, with numerous hills and a rocky coastline with occasional beaches. The island's population peaked at about 1,500 in the 1840s and today is less than 200. As was the case in in Tiree and the other Western Isles, many of its people were encouraged or coerced to emigrate in the 1840s and 1850s to mainland Britain or to far distant British colonies.

The early history of Coll was similar to that of Tiree: it was part of the Celtic Kingdom of Dalriada; then came under Viking control; and then under the control of the MacDonald Lords of the Isles who ceded both islands to their allies, the MacLeans. The central and principal part of the island was granted by King James II to John Garve (Iain Garbh), first laird of Coll and ancestor of MacLean of Coll. In 1674 the two extremities of the island were acquired by the Earl of Argyll, along with other MacLean of Duart lands in Tiree and Mull, but in the 1800s the Coll lands were sold to other proprietors and are no longer part of the Argyll Estate.
